Staff Survey
Staff Survey
Thank you for agreeing to complete this survey. There are 28 statements about your view of our school. All you have to do is to decide if you agree with them or not, and how strongly. If you have any questions about it, please ask the person who gave you the details.
At the end, you can say two ways to make the school even better. We need to know your gender and some basic details about your role, but we never ask your name, you are anonymous.
Please be honest with your answers. But if you don't want to complete it, let the school leadership know.
This is the Staff Survey. If you’re here by mistake, use your browser’s back arrow. Otherwise, please key in your Login ID and password, then click Enter.
Did you know?
Over 15,000 UK teachers & support staff completed this survey in the first year of its existence. Since then, it has been used by schools all over the UK to listen to their staff, for school improvement. The very first school to complete the survey was in Solihull, West Midlands.